Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

5.4 - Discussion Pipelines in Communities (2)

5.4 - Discussion Pipelines in Communities (2)

Q Pipelines carry an array of commodities such as oil, natural gas, chemicals, and coal. For this discussion, locate a pipeline closest to your home or location (oil, gas, coal, etc). Identify who owns it, when it was created, the cargo, size, geographic boundaries, and any other statistical information you can research. Discuss Share the pipeline data with your peers and describe the concerns people have about the pipeline running through their community. Identify some hazards of the pipeline and any future plans for your pipeline. After researching pipelines and reading your textbook, do you believe pipelines should be considered a mode of transportation commensurate with trucks, trains, and air cargo carriers? Review the evaluation rubric for detailed grading criteria. Post and Engage Post your response to the above topics in this discussion forum. Engage and express critical thinking through your responses to promote an interactive learning experience. Reply to at least three of your peers throughout the week. When responding, use terminology from your readings and cite related references, where applicable. Each response should be in your own words, grammatically sound, and free of spelling errors. Finally, remember to post early enough in the week to allow others the opportunity to respond to your posting.

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There is a Gas Transmission Pipeline near my location of Jacksonville and this pipeline connects Laramore Road via Clarksville Highway to Magnolia Road. The name of this pipeline is The Sabal Trail Pipeline and it has two owners. One is NextEra Energy and the other is Duke Energy. The pipeline had been constructed in 2016 in the month of September (Costan, 2018). However, the starting of operations of this pipeline had been from the year of 2017 (Costan, 2018). The geographic boundaries for this pipeline are Alabama, Georgia and Orange County 2017 (Costan, 2018). $3.2 billion is the cost of the installation of the pipeline (Costan, 2018).